LASI 2014 (Cambridge, MA)
Cambridge, MA, June 30 – July 2, 2014
2nd Learning Analytics Summer Institutes (LASI 2014)
June 17, 2014. A live stream of the LASI 2014 sessions to be held at the Harvard Graduate School of Education will be available here.
June 11, 2014. Information about how to get to the summer institute venue, a Google map with relevant sites on campus, and a local guide containing tips about public transport, restaurants, and tourist information can be found here.
June 10, 2014. Learning Analytics Summer Institute will organize a public event. Everyone is welcome to join us. More information about the public event can be found here.
June 9, 2014. The program is published. Some minor changes to the program are still possible.
May 6, 2014. The three keynote speakers confirmed their participation in LASI 2014: Tiffany Barnes (North Carolina State University), Pierre Dillenbourg (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne), Phil Winne (Simon Fraser University). More program highlights will be announced soon.
April 22, 2014. The second call for participation is issued. The call for submissions ends on May 4, 2014. The instructions for submissions remain the same as outlined in the remainder of this page. Applicants who applied in the first call for participation do NOT need to resubmit their applications. Their original applications will receive full consideration.
April 22, 2014. Due to the unforeseen circumstances, the location of LASI’14 is changed. The new location is the Harvard Graduate School of Education at Cambridge, MA, USA. The dates of the event remain the same as originally announced.
Archived Videos
Fourteen exciting videos of talks from LASI’14 including keynotes and panels are available on the SoLAR YouTube Channel (organized chronologically).
Local Guide
The Google map with marked locations of the LASI events and the official Harvard Graduate School of Education map.
Walking directions from Harvard Square Station to the conference location: From the Starbucks next to Harvard Station cross the street until you are standing outside Tory Row. Walk towards Brattle St, past The Gap and follow Brattle St until you hit the intersection with Appian Way. LASI 2014 will be held in the large concrete library on the corner of Appian and Brattle.
An area guide with transport options, restaurants and tourist attractions can be found here.
Summer Institutes
A critical window of opportunity is opening as we stand on the threshold of what may be a new discipline with disruptive potential for educational research and practice. Bringing the right mix of people together for an intensive ‘summer camp’ can serve as an intellectual and social springboard to accelerate the maturation of the discipline — as was the case for other young disciplines, such as cognitive neuroscience.
After the 1st such event in Stanford in 2013, the 2nd Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI 2014) is a strategic event organized by the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) in cooperation with the Harvard Graduate School of Education. The International Educational Data Mining Society is also assisting with event organization. LASI 2014 will be held in Cambridge, MA, USA from June 30, 2014 to July 2, 2014.
As we did last year, in parallel a global network of LASI-Locals will run their own gatherings. Last year we had: LASI-Hong Kong, LASI-Denmark — Aalborg, LASI-Latin America — Online, LASI-France — Lyon, LASI-Netherlands — Amsterdam, LASI-South Africa — Pretoria, LASI-Spain — Granada, LASI-Spain — Madrid, LASI-UK — Edinburgh, LASI-USA — Boston, and A-LASI – Sydney. So get inspired, and self-organise! This year, we are planning ways in which the activities of LASI-Locals will be more visible to Cambridge, MA, USA and to each other.
The objective is that participants will leave better equipped to actively engage in advancing the LA field through their teaching and research activities. More specifically, LASI has two goals:
- Build the field of Learning Analytics through cross disciplinary interactions, identification of research and teaching needs, advancement of LA methods, and connecting isolated researchers and research communities.
- Develop the skills and knowledge of doctoral students and academics, equipping them to engage actively in LA research and teaching.
In the selection of participants, we will strive for a careful balance between disciplines, skillsets and seniority — see the application criteria for details.
LASI2014’s goals of building the LA field and developing the skills of researchers, educators and students will be achieved through a combination of lectures, hands-on tutorials, group work and ample opportunity for informal interactions. Activities include presentations from leading researchers, innovative start-ups, and experts from related fields, coupled with panels and workshops… all designed to define the needs of the LA field, identify research gaps and needs, forge the community and establish a research agenda.
Organizing Committee
Ryan S.J.d. Baker, Teachers College, Columbia University, USA
Simon Buckingham Shum, The Open University, UK (LASI-Locals chair)
Shane Dawson, University of South Australia, Australia
Erik Duval, KU Leuven, Belgium (program co-chair)
Dragan Gasevic, Athabasca University, Canada (program co-chair)
Garron Hillaire, CAST, Inc., USA (Local Organizer)
Charels Lang, Harvard University, USA (Local Organizer)
Philip Long, University of Queensland, Australia
Grace Lynch, University of New England, Australia
Xavier Ochoa, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Ecuador
Mykola Pechenizkiy, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), The Netherlands (program co-chair)
Salvador Ros, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain
George Siemens, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Llanos Tobarra, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain
Enquiries about participating in, or sponsoring, LASI may be emailed to <gsiemens atsign gmail.com> with the subject line containing: LASI Enquiry
If you are interested in connecting with the others running a regional/local event, please contact Simon Buckingham Shum <s.buckingham.shum atsign gmail.com> with the subject line containing: LASI Local
Speakers in Cambridge, MA, USA are by invitation, with the program now being designed. Queries around the program should go to Dragan Gasevic <dragan.gasevic atsign gmail.com> with the subject line containing: LASI Program. Regional/local satellite events will design their own schedules and programs.