What is a SoLAR LASI Local?
SoLAR LASI Local or a Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI) Local is a local/regional event centered around Learning Analytics. SoLAR would like to promote these events to provide participants with the opportunity to know more about techniques, approaches, or problems relevant for Learning Analytics today, along with sharing findings derived from this field. If you are interested in building local or regional collaboration in Learning Analytics between students, researchers and practitioners, we encourage you to consider hosting a SoLAR LASI local. Please review the guidelines below and contact us for more information!

Guidelines for Running a SoLAR LASI Local
Design your local event to meet the needs of your context. Most events have been face-to-face, but in past years have included 100% online, and 50/50 blended. They may scale from nations/regions/states, to a small group in your institution translating the big ideas into implications for research and practice. It may be a small discussion group, to an event with your own speakers, agenda-setting workshops, hands-on tutorials and panels. So think local, and think about the mix that will work for you and your community.
SoLAR LASI Locals are about field-building, so it should be a fantastic platform to shape the next generations of talents in learning analytics to truly serve the needs in educational sectors and the broader society. As such, these events can also facilitate conversation and collaboration among educators, technologists, researchers, enterprise and policy makers.
Support from SoLAR
In general, SoLAR will provide only the following support:
- In-Cooperation: The event can use the logo of SoLAR and mention SoLAR as a supporter of the event.
- Dissemination support: The event can use SoLAR communication channels to disseminate information strictly related to the event (including SoLAR monthly newsletter).
- In case you want to include a keynote or a panel, the SoLAR Events Portfolio Committee may recommend speakers (at least for a remote video keynote or intervention).
Approval process for hosting a SoLAR LASI Local
To receive the status of a SoLAR LASI Local event organizers must submit their application to the SoLAR Events working group by filling out the Request for SoLAR Event In-Cooperation. Prior SoLAR LASI locals will receive expedited approvals, but we still ask you to contact us at Before submitting your application for their first time (or requesting its renewal), please review the event in-cooperation guidelines. If you have any specific questions, please contact
Once the final approval is obtained, the logo of SoLAR and all references to SoLAR support should only be included as part of the information about the event.
Recent LASI Locals
Location: Jerez de la Frontera, Spain
Co-organized by SNOLA and the SOLAR LACE SIG
Facilitating Adoption of Learning Analytics in the European Context
We are thrilled to announce the first European Learning Analytics Institute (LASI Europe 2024), themed «Facilitating Adoption of Learning Analytics in the European Context». This event is designed to bring together researchers for an engaging discussion on current advances and challenges related to learning analytics, especially in the European context.
The landscape of education is undergoing a remarkable transformation. Theory-driven and data-informed insights as well as AI-enhanced tools, are supposed to revolutionise the way we design, analyse, and support the learning process. On the other hand, the adoption that leads to student improved learning we witness in real practice is still very scarce.
At LASI Europe 2024, we seek to discuss existing challenges, promote community building, raise awareness on recent projects, and provide training opportunities on recent advances in the field. Thus, we invite researchers across the globe to contribute their expertise and insights to understand the European LA landscape better.
Location: Madrid, Spain - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Learning Analytics & Artificial Intelligence: Balancing risks and opportunities
Learning Analytics Summer Institute Spain 2023 (LASI Spain 2023) (, will take place in Madrid, organized by SNOLA (the Spanish Network of Learning Analytics) and will have Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) as a host. LASI Spain is part of the global LASI network (, conceived as a platform to catalyze educators, technologists, researchers, enterprise and policymakers around shaping the next generation of learning infrastructures to truly serve the needs now facing the education sector.
When: June 29 - 30, 2023
Location: University of Oulu, Finland
We are pleased to welcome you to the Nordic Learning Analytics Summer Institute (NLASI 2023) that will be held on May 31st - June 1st, 2023, at the University of Oulu (Finland). There will be two excellent keynotes given by top scientists Dr. Simon Knight and Prof. Guoying Zhao.
The theme of the Summer Institute this year is:
Education in change – co-evolution of learners, technology, and data analytics
When: May 31 - June 1, 2023
Location: University of Technology Sydney, 8-9 Dec. 2022
We are delighted to announce that the 2022 Australian Learning Analytics Summer Institute (ALASI22) will be held face-to-face, in Sydney! This national gathering convenes as part of the international network of LASI events sponsored by the Society for Learning Analytics Research.
After the 2 year ALASI hiatus, it will be fantastic to connect with each other again, welcome new people into the community, to share our know-how and know-who to build the Learning Analytics community’s capability.
ALASI has been timed to follow immediately after ASCILITE 2022 at University of Sydney, so if you’re attending just add an extra 2 nights on, and walk down the road to UTS.
This is an in-person event.
When: Thursday 8th and Friday 9th December
Where: Room 401 Ground Floor, Building 11, Broadway, University of Technology Sydney