For Authors – LAK22

For Authors of Full & Short Research Papers


The ACM/TAPS environment is now ready to receive the final camera-ready versions of all accepted full and short research papers for the LAK22 proceedings.

Please read these instructions carefully and complete the eRights process in Step 1 as soon as possible. Should you have any questions about any aspects of the proceedings process, please get in touch with us at

Given the delay in the TAPS environment being ready for us and the holiday break for many, the deadline to upload your camera-ready paper has been extended to JAN 3 23:59 AOE. However, we HIGHLY ENCOURAGE authors to attempt an upload prior to this date in order to have time to fix any formatting issues once your files are uploaded into TAPS. Should you encounter any errors during the upload process, the ACM TAPS support team will continue to be available 24/7 throughout the holiday period.




The corresponding author of each accepted full and short research paper has received an email from ACM with a link to the eRights management form. The email will come from so please also check your spam folder. 

Within the eRights process you will be asked about Open Access Publication. Please note that SoLAR provides ongoing access to all published ACM papers directly through specialized links from the conference website (continuing after the conference ends). However if you also want to provide open access to your article to all possible readers directly from the ACM digital library then you can select ‘yes’ and pay the required fee. 

Please take extra care to provide the correct information in the eRights form as the same data will be used in the HTML (publication) version of your paper.

Once you have filled out the eRights form, the corresponding author will receive two additional emails from ACM:

  1. Email with the rights block that will need to be included in your paper (use in Step 2)
  2. Invitation to TAPS where you will need to upload your paper (more on that in Step 3)  

Please note that the second email (TAPS Invitation) may arrive anywhere between several to 48 hours after the first one with the rights block.




The final camera-ready version of your paper should be in the same format as your initial submission. You should follow the same submission guidelines as before with the following changes:

  • Unblind the manuscript
  • Make any revisions based on reviewer feedback
  • Add the right block sent to you by ACM after filling out the eRights form


A GENERAL OVERVIEW of the entire ACM Workflow along with templates can be found here: Please reference these instructions throughout the process - the below text re: MS Users and LaTeX users was copied and/or compiled from these ACM instructions. 

MICROSOFT WORD USERS: You will now need to download the ACM Primary Article Template - Microsoft Word (this is an extension of the ACM Submission Template you used to prepare your original submission). Please choose the correct template version based on your platform: [MAC 2011, MAC 2016, or Windows] and save the .zip file to your local machine. Open the zip file and save the template file to your machine and then follow the template instructions to attach the ACM ArticleTemplate to your accepted submission version and then finalize your paper as described above. Your camera-ready Word file will still be in the SINGLE-COLUMN format. ACM will then convert it into the double-column format for publication. Before uploading your paper you will need to validate your document as described in the final step of the template instructions. Template instructions can be found here: 


LaTeX USERS: You will need to package your files as described in the final 3 bullet points of the ACM TAPS LaTeX Best practices. The email you received from contains the commands that need to be inserted into your final LaTeX file in order to generate the proper rights statement and Bibstrip data. 




After completing the eRights process in step 1, the contact author will have received an email with an invitation and instructions to upload your Camera Ready (finalized) source file set to The ACM Publishing System (TAPS). Please note that the system will only accept zip files containing the correct subfolders, so follow the instructions from the original submission guidelines and step 2 above carefully. TAPS will process your paper and auto-generate proofs of your article for your review.

ACM provides detailed instructions on how to use TAPS with images. Please follow these instructions carefully:    




After you upload your paper to TAPS, you will receive a paper proof (in double-column format) via email that you can either accept or reject. Please carefully check whether all figures and tables have been properly adapted to the two-column format and are readable. If they are not, please reject the proof, adapt the paper accordingly and re-upload it. 

Important Note: To make corrections to the output in TAPS, you MUST revise the source file(s) in TAPS. This means you can *not* reupload new versions from your locally kept source files.

Emails from TAPS will be sent from so please add this address as a known sender and also check your spam folder. You can seek support for any technical issues related to paper processing from TAPS support team at or if at any time you experience an issue that you cannot resolve within the TAPS system, there is an option to contact support via the author dashboard. 


Additional ACM / TAPS Documentation


The above information should provide you with the information that you require to revise and upload your camera ready paper. However, if you encounter any issues and would like to review further documentation here are a few links for your reference which will show how to add the primary template & tagged/stylized the docx papers. (also linked above in Step 2)

Video Walk-through for ACM Formatting from another conference: 

Video demo of the New ACM workflow: 

Video demo of Final Submission and TAPS Author Workflow: 

Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR)