Society for Learning Analytics Research
The Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) is an interdisciplinary network of leading international researchers who are exploring the role and impact of analytics on teaching, learning, training and development.
About Our Hosts
We are extremely excited to have wonderful hosts for LAK25 with TU Dublin, Open University UK, Trinity College and Meet Ireland. Looking forward to planning a high quality conference in Dublin, Ireland!
LAK25 Updates
Find LAK25 updates here! Any important news or announcements with the conference will be linked here.
Why You Should Join Us at LAK and Beyond!
The Society for Learning Analytics Research is celebrating 15 years of LAK conferences in 2025! The field continues to grow year over year. LAK25 welcomed the largest number of full paper submissions this year and an increase practitioner submissions as well! Take a peek at why we think you should submit to LAK conferences, attend LAK or LASI, join our mailing list and better yet become a SoLAR Member! At SoLAR, our overall mission continues to be to grow the field of learning analytics globally. Join us in this mission today and we hope to see you at an event soon!