
The Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) is the largest global community of researchers and leaders exploring the role and impact of analytics on teaching, learning, training and development across the higher education and K-12 sectors.

The 15th Learning Analytics and Knowledge conference (LAK25) will be hosted in Dublin, Ireland, 3–7 March 2025, when researchers and practitioners will gather to share the most rigorous cutting edge work in learning analytics. Attendees will include internationally recognized academics and researchers, senior level academic administrators, instructional designers/technologies, doctoral students and others – a Practitioner’s and Corporate Analytics track will highlight the impact that Learning Analytics is having outside of academia. Organized by SoLAR in conjunction with Technological University Dublin, Trinity College and Open University UK, we are seeking your sponsorship and encourage industry partners to submit to the Practitioner’s track to showcase their work. Details can be found in the LAK25 CFP and submission guidelines.

In 2024 SoLAR launched Learning Analytics in Practice (LAP), a 24 hour online global event each June focusing on the practice of Learning Analytics. Diamond, Platinum, Gold and Silver Sponsors automatically become sponsors of both LAK25 and LAP25.

Sponsorship of LAK and/or LAP will provide a unique opportunity for your organizations to:
• Instantly gain exposure to a diverse set of individuals from world-leading researchers
to senior managers with different levels of analytics expertise
• Interact with other participants and build innovate new partnerships
• Showcase products and services to international leaders in the Learning Analytics, AI in Education and Educational Data Mining fields.

LAK conferences typically have over 500 participants while SoLAR’s mailing list reaches more than 5,000 individuals from 40+ countries and we are projecting at least the same number again in Dublin. LAP24 had over 200 participants in its first year and based on feedback that number will grow in 2025.

Why Do SoLAR Events Need Sponsorship?

Sponsors enable us to keep registration rates as low as possible, provide open access proceedings, offer scholarships for students and early career researchers, expand the impact of new research findings, connect the next generation of learners with researchers and promote discussions between practitioners and researchers. Organizations are able to choose a level of support outlined in the table below, or propose a customized sponsorship level.

Sponsorship Opportunities

The following packages provide a general overview of sponsorship levels. Please keep in mind that space is limited, and sponsorship opportunities will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you’d like more detail about the conference and how we support sponsorship, please contact us. In addition, custom sponsor opportunities are also available - please contact the Conference Chair Dr. Grace Lynch at solarcommittee@gmail.com to discuss.

Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR)

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