@incollection{allen_natural_2022, location = {Vancouver, Canada}, edition = {2}, title = {Natural Language Processing as a Tool for Learning Analytics - Towards a Multi-Dimensional View of the Learning Process}, isbn = {978-0-9952408-3-4}, url = {https://www.solaresearch.org/publications/hla-22/hla22-chapter5/}, pages = {46--53}, booktitle = {The Handbook of Learning Analytics}, publisher = {{SoLAR}}, author = {Allen, Laura K. and Creer, Sarah C. and Öncel, Püren}, editor = {Lang, Charles and Siemens, George and Wise, Alyssa Friend and Gašević, Dragan and Merceron, Agathe}, date = {2022}, note = {Section: 5}, }