Special Interest Group on Writing Analytics (SIGWA)
Home Community Special Interest Groups (SIGs) Special Interest Group on Responsible Learning Analytics (RELA)
The Responsible Learning Analytics SIG exists to:
- foster a research and practice community focused on the responsible design, development, deployment, and use of Learning Analytics (LA);
- promote critical understandings of data and data ethics literacies;
- facilitate activities that contribute to discussions of how central values underpinning responsible learning analytics (e.g., justice, equity, inclusion, autonomy, wellbeing, democratic values) can be enacted in practice, what ethical areas are challenging and why, and how the LA community can ensure sustained and updated conversations take place;
- nurture practical reasoning on ethics, responsibility and values across the community, serve as a meeting point for researchers working on Responsible LA and help identify new opportunities and partnerships for further collaboration and funding.
SIG coordinators:
- Teresa Cerratto Pargman, tessy@dsv.su.se, Stockholm University, Sweden
- Simon Knight, sjgknight@gmail.com, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
- Olga Viberg, oviberg@kth.se, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
Organizing Committee:
- Teresa Cerratto Pargman
Stockholm University, Sweden - Cormac McGrath
Stockholm University, Sweden - Olga Viberg
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden - Kirsty Kitto
University of Technology Sydney, Australia (SoLAR institutional member) - Simon Knight
University of Technology Sydney, Australia (SoLAR institutional member) - Rebecca Ferguson
The Open University, United Kingdom