LASI22 (Online, Everywhere)
The Learning Analytics Summer Institute is a strategic event, co-organized by SoLAR and host institutions.
2022 Learning Analytics Summer Institute
June 13 - 17, 2022 -- Online, Everywhere
Hosted by University of British Columbia
Workshops & Tutorials | Schedule | Speakers | Registration | Student Scholarships
We are pleased to announce that along with the University of British Columbia, we will once again host a virtual Summer Institute in June of 2022.
Each participant will have the opportunity to participate in TWO 2-hour tutorials (on two different topics) and ONE in-depth workshop which will span multiple days during the week (approx. 6 synchronous hours).
Our audience is the international learning analytics community and we strive to include as many time zones as possible so please stay tuned for our schedule at a glance coming soon.
Some of the topics to be included are: Intro to LA, Text Analytics, Game Analytics, Learning Theories, Predictive Modeling, Multimodal analytics, Dashboard Design, Programming Bootcamp and more! Please review our full line-up of workshops and tutorials coming soon!
LASI22 is open for SoLAR members only, so please join or renew your SoLAR membership prior to registering for LASI22. Click here to become a SoLAR Member to attend, as well as receive other year-round benefits.
The Society for Learning Analytics Research, is accepting applications for a limited number of scholarships for the Erik Duval Travel Scholarship to fund doctoral and masters students who are currently enrolled and in good standing in any program related to learning analytics and data science to attend LASI22.
Given the virtual format, we are hopeful that all eligible students will receive a scholarship but since LASI has limited space available it is important to apply as soon as possible.
Registration Deadline
LASI22 registration will close on Wednesday June 1, 2022 at 9:00pm PDT (Pacific Daylight Time).
Registration is Now Open:
Any questions about LASI22 should be directed to Nicole Hoover at