June 14, 2022
Call for participation: Learning and technologies research VISTAS – Visions, Inspiration, Synergy and Transformation across IAALDE societies. A colloquium series
The International Alliance to Advance Learning in the Digital Era (IAALDE – www.alliancelss.com ) invites researchers to apply for the Learning and Technologies Research VISTAS Colloquium Series to encourage Vision, Inspiration, Synergy, and Transformation Across Societies. The goal of VISTAS is to create a discussion space where researchers can connect with one another to explore ideas across multiple disciplinary and society perspectives. The VISTAS Colloquium Series is envisioned to inspire transformative research and to improve our societies by better connecting researchers to one another and to cross-disciplinary ideas.
A first phase of research vision development will take place online in autumn 2022: In the first VISTAS Colloquium in September/October 2022, VISTAS researchers will develop and share their research visions with one another. Subsequently, VISTAS researchers will asynchronously collaborate to identify potential synergies, relationships, and further develop transformative ideas. In November/early December 2022, VISTAS researchers will meet again in the second Colloquium to develop provocative visionary slides meant to challenge the status quo and inspire new directions of research in learning and technology across and within the IAALDE Societies. Note that the goal is not to agree to a joint research vision, although naturally the research visions represented by participating speakers can be seen as a representation of the visions under discussion in the IAALDE societies.
In a second phase in the first half of 2023, public colloquia will take place at one or more IAALDE member societies’ conferences. The speakers will share their research visions, and invite a discussion of them in the research community. The goal is to broaden the discussion around specific research visions at this stage; again, not with the goal to change individual researchers’ visions, but with the hope that this sparks off further visionary discussions and research within learning and technologies communities.
The exact format and conference(s) will be selected by the participating speakers, together with the respective conference organizers. It could be, due to travel constraints of speakers, that two colloquia will take place; it could also be, similar to the first online phase, that the discussion will take place both synchronously and asynchronously.
Call for VISTAS researchers
The International Alliance to Advance Learning in the Digital Era (IAALDE) is looking for ambitious mid-career researchers pre-tenured or recently tenured, who are developing and implementing a long-range research vision (think: 5-10 years ahead) and are therefore interested in discussing their research vision with peers from multiple societies and different disciplinary backgrounds.
We are inviting interested researchers to submit their applications until June, 30 via the following Google form: https://forms.gle/ssK5uJqZWxZEPAo47
Note that registration to Google is necessary in order to upload the research vision document. If this should absolutely not be possible, please submit your application via Email (see below).
Interested researchers need to submit a short description of their research vision (1 page) plus a link to a CV, and should specify the research communities and disciplines they are most active in.
The IAALDE selection committee (a sub-group of the IAALDE board – https://alliancelss.com/#board ) will scan applications for whether they are reasonable given the call for participation, but will not evaluate research visions in the sense of a peer-review, and instead give places on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Interested researchers can also ask upfront questions to the current IAALDE president Viktoria Pammer-Schindler via Email: viktoria.pammer-schindler@tugraz.at
**The Society for Learning Analytics Research is an IAALDE Member