SoLAR Spotlight: Conversations on Learning Analytics

Sound room for recording a podcast.

The Society for Learning Analytics Research is proud to present “SoLAR Spotlight: Conversations in Learning Analytics,” a new podcast series for our growing community!

The series is meant to create more spaces for our community to collaborate and share the work that is being done around the world, and where we discuss some big ideas and trends in research and practice of learning analytics. Our podcasts will be offered on a bi-monthly basis. We hope you’ll follow along and share your ideas and feedback with us!

The podcast series is available on Soundcloud, iTunes and Spotify, so you can listen to it on your favourite platform!

If you would like to share your thoughts on the content of our podcast or take a guess on the answer to the ‘Two Truths and One Lie’ game that we played in the podcast, please Tweet us @solaresearch using #solarspotlight. You can send specific feedback on podcast episodes and suggest potential topics and speakers by emailing


List of SoLAR Spotlight episodes


Episode 20: Learning Analytics & AI: Opportunities & Challenges featuring Aneesha Bakharia (University of Queensland, Australia) and Barbara Wasson (University of Bergen, Norway)

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This episode of the SoLAR Spotlight podcast series features Dr Aneesha Bakharia, University of Queensland, Australia and Professor Barbara Wasson, University of Bergen, Norway as guests, hosted by Shibani Antonette & Rogers Kaliisa. They converse about the recent advances in generative AI and tools like ChatGPT and how they relate to work in learning analytics that aims to improve teaching and learning with data. What is your takeaway from this podcast? What is the lie that Aneesha and Barbara told in the 'two truths and a lie' game? Let us know using the hashtag #SoLARspotlight on Twitter.

If you want to know more about SoLAR, get in touch via or tweet us @SoLAResearch. Specific feedback may be sent to

Episode 19: Multimodal Learning Analytics featuring Mutlu Cukurova (University College London, UK) and Sambit Praharaj (Center for Advanced Internet Studies & Ruhr University Bochum, Germany)

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This episode of the SoLAR Spotlight podcast series features Mutlu Cukurova and Sambit Praharaj as guests, hosted by Rogers Kaliisa. They talk about the growing interest in the field of multimodal learning analytics (MMLA) and its conceptual, theoretical, methodological, analytical, and pedagogical challenges. What is your takeaway from this podcast? What is the lie that Mutlu and Sambit told in the 'two truths and a lie' game? Let us know using the hashtag #SoLARspotlight on Twitter.

If you want to know more about SoLAR, get in touch via or tweet us @SoLAResearch. Specific feedback may be sent to

Episode 18: Explainable models for Learning Analytics featuring Judy Kay (The University of Sydney, Australia) and Giora Alexandron (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)

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This episode of the SoLAR Spotlight podcast series features Judy Kay and Giora Alexandron as guests, hosted by Shibani Antonette. They talk about the distinctive needs for explainable algorithmic models in education and ways to deploy them for learning analytics. What is your takeaway of this podcast? What is the lie that Judy and Giora told in the 'two truths and a lie' game? Let us know using the hashtag #SoLARspotlight on Twitter.

If you want to know more about SoLAR, get in touch via or tweet us @SoLAResearch. Specific feedback may be sent to

Episode 17: The Intersection of Learning Analytics and Learning Sciences featuring Nancy Law (University of Hong Kong, China) and Jason Lodge (University of Queensland, Australia)

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Learning analytics is about learning, but what does learning mean? How do researchers in the learning analytics community and those in the learning sciences community understand learning? What approaches do they take to investigating learning? In this episode, we spoke to A/Prof Jason Lodge and Prof Nancy Law about the intersection of learning analytics and learning sciences. What is your takeaway of this podcast? What is the lie that Jason and Nancy told in the 'two truths and a lie' game? Let us know using the hashtag #SoLARspotlight on Twitter.

If you want to know more about SoLAR, get in touch via or tweet us @SoLAResearch. Specific feedback may be sent to

Episode 16: Bias featuring Shamya Karumbaiah (Carnegie Mellon University, United States) and Rene Kizilcec (Cornell University, United States)

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This episode is all about bias. Our hosts Maren Scheffel and Nia Dowel talk to Shamya Karumbaiah and Rene Kizilcec about bias in learning analytics and some of the work they are doing in that area.

What do you think is Shamya's lie? And which of Rene's statements wasn't true? Let us know on Twitter using the hashtag #SoLARspotlight.

If you want to know more about SoLAR, get in touch via or tweet us @SoLAResearch. Specific feedback may be sent to

Episode 15: Learning analytics in schools featuring Andrew Krumm (University of Michigan, United States)

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In this episode, Andrew Krumm as guest and Shibani Antonette and Rogers Kaliisa as hosts converse about the implementation of learning analytics in schools - where we are now, what challenges we face and how we can look toward the future.

What is your takeaway of this podcast? What is the lie that Andy tells in the 'two truths and a lie' game? Let us know using the hashtag #SoLARspotlight on Twitter.

Episode 14: Whose story does this learning analytics dashboard tell? featuring Martin Hlosta (FFHS - The Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland) and Fabio Campos (New York University, United States)

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Dashboard is a prominent artefact that users interact with when it comes to learning analytics. What is a learning analytics dashboard ? Who is it for? What is the key to effective adoption of learning analytics dashboard? Listen to Martin Hlosta and Fabio Campos sharing their experience in supporting the use of learning analytics dashboard on a large scale.

Can you guess the lies that Martin and Fabio told about themselves? Let us know on Twitter using the hashtag #SoLARspotlight.


Episode 13: The SoLAR Executive Committee featuring Yi-Shan Tsai (Monash University, Australia), Rogers Kaliisa (University of Oslo, Norway), Nia Dowell (University of California, Irvine, United States), and Roger Azevedo (University of Central Florida, United States)

Soundcloud | iTunes | Spotify

This episode is all about SoLAR's Executive Committee (or "exec" for short). Four current members of the executive board Yi-Shan Tsai, Rogers Kaliisa, Nia Dowell, and Roger Azevedo talk about their experience of serving on the Executive Committee.

Are you also interested in joining SoLAR's Executive? The call for nomination opens every November as executive members serve two-year terms, staggered every two years. So half the board is vacated and up for election biennially. There are usually 12 members on the board: five office bearers and seven members-at-large.

Who do you think told the lie in the 'three truths and a lie' game? Yi-Shan, Rogers, Nia or Roger? Let us know on twitter using the hashtag #SoLARspotlight.

Episode 12: Learning Analytics Practitioners and Practice featuring Leah Macfadyen (The University of British Columbia, Canada) and Danny Liu (University of Sydney, Australia)

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This episode of the SoLAR Spotlight podcast series features Leah Macfadyen and Danny Liu as guests, hosted by Shibani Antonette. They converse about the importance of learning analytics practitioners and the pragmatisms in translating learning analytics research into real classroom practice.

What is your takeaway of this podcast? What is the lie that Leah and Danny tell in the 'two truths and a lie' game? Let us know on twitter using the hashtag #SoLARspotlight on Twittter.


Episode 11: How can learning analytics enhance feedback processes? featuring Professor David Carless (University of Hong Kong) and Dr Lisa Lim (University of Technology Sydney)

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In this episode, we discussed the role of feedback in learning and how learning analytics can help scaffolding a feedback process. What is feedback to learners? What role can learning analytics play in feedback processes? Listen to Professor David Carless (University of Hong Kong) and Dr Lisa Lim (University of Technology Sydney) sharing their thoughts on this topic and some interesting information about themselves. What's your takeaway? What are the lies told at the 2 Truths and 1 Lie game. Please Tweet us using #SoLARspotlight.


Episode 10: Doctoral Consortium Participants - Where are they now? featuring Andrew Gibson (Queensland University of Technology, Australia), Angelique Kritzinger (Pretoria University, South Africa), and Scott Harrison (German Institute for International Educational Research, Germany)

Andrew Gibson

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This episode is all about SoLAR’s doctoral consortium. Or actually about three former DC attendees who talk about their DC experience: Andrew Gibson, Angelique Kritzinger, and Scott Harrison. The episode is hosted by Maren Scheffel and she asks the question: Where are they now?

What is your takeaway of this podcast? Have you already participated in the DC? Or are you interested to apply yourself or to send your students? Who told the lie in the 'two truths and a lie' game? Andrew, Angelique, or Scott? Let us know on twitter using the hashtag #SoLARspotlight.


Episode 9: 21st Century Skills and Learning Analytics featuring Ruth Deakin Crick (Jearni, UK & University of Technology Sydney, Australia) and Elizabeth Koh (National Institute of Education, Singapore)

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This episode of the SoLAR Spotlight podcast series features Ruth Crick and Elizabeth Koh as guests, hosted by Shibani Antonette. They talk about key skills to nurture among 21st century learners for the future and how learning analytics can play a part.

What is your takeaway of this podcast? What is the lie that Ruth and Elizabeth tell in the 'two truths and a lie' game? Let us know on twitter using the hashtag #SoLARspotlight on Twittter.

Episode 8: Turning Crisis into Opportunities - EdTech, Analytics, and Education featuring Allison Littlejohn (University College London, UK) and Mike Sharkey (Arizona State University, USA)

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With the rise of EdTech in the past decade and its rapid growth during the Covid-19 pandemic, concerns about education being disrupted and redefined have increased. What are the changes that the current trends bring to learning and teaching? What are the responsibilities that the learning analytics community share in using data to enhance learning? In this episode, Yi-Shan Tsai discuss these issues with Allison Littlejohn and Mike Sharkey. What are your thoughts on this topic? Please share with us on Twitter using the hashtag #SoLARspotlight.

Episode 7: Diversity and Inclusion in Learning Analytics Research featuring Angela Stewart (University of Colorado Boulder, USA)

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This episode of the SoLAR Spotlight podcast series features Angela Stewart from the University of Colorado Boulder as guest and is hosted by Maren Scheffel. They talk about aspects of diversity and inclusion when it comes to learning analytics research, e.g. diversity in teams, biased algorithms and resources to educate oneself with regards to diversity in academia and the BLM movement.

The resources Angela shared and also others are listed on SoLAR's "Statement of Support and Call for Action" page

Do you have any resources to share? And what do you think is the lie that Angela tells in the 'two truths and a lie' game? Let us know on Twitter using the hashtag #SoLARspotlight.

Episode 6: Privacy and Ethics in Learning Analytics, featuring Paul Prinsloo (University of South Africa, South Africa) and Kirsty Kitto (University of Technology Sydney, Australia)

Soundcloud | iTunes | Spotify This episode of the SoLAR Spotlight podcast series features Paul Prinsloo and Kirsty Kitto as guests, hosted by Shibani Antonette. They talk about privacy and ethical concerns in learning analytics and ways to overcome them. What is your takeaway of this podcast? What is the lie that Paul and Kirsty tell in the 'two truths and a lie' game? Let us know on twitter using the hashtag #SoLARspotlight.

Episode 5: Measuring Learning Analytics Impact, featuring Bart Rienties (Open University, UK) and Linda Corrin (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)

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LA is a young but fast growing field. As we are about to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the field next month in Frankfurt, it’s important that we take some time to think about what we have achieved with LA and where the evidence of impact is. In this episode, we discuss the topic of measuring impact with Dr Linda Corrin from Swinburne University in Australia and Prof Bart Rienties from Open University in the UK

Episode 4: The Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, featuring Hendrik Drachsler (Goethe University, Germany), Nicole Hoover (SoLAR, USA), Vitomir Kovanovic (University of South Australia, AUS) and Grace Lynch (SoLAR, AUS)

Soundcloud | iTunes | Spotify This episode of the SoLAR Spotlight podcast series features Grace Lynch, Nicole Hoover, Vitomir Kovanovic, and Hendrik Drachsler (four members of the LAK20 organising team) as guests and is hosted by Maren Scheffel. They talk about what it is like to organise the Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference and provide some insights into what will happen at this year’s edition of LAK - the 10th anniversary of the conference!

Episode 3: Giving a voice to stakeholders in Learning Analytics design, featuring Ed de Quincey (Keele University, UK) and Kenneth Holstein (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)

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This episode of the SoLAR Spotlight podcast series features Ed de Quincey and Kenneth Holstein as guests, hosted by Shibani Antonette. They talk about involving stakeholders such as students and teachers in the design of learning analytics using participatory design approaches.

What is your takeaway of this podcast? What is the lie that Ed and Ken tell in the 'two truths and a lie' game? Let us know on twitter using the hashtag #SoLARspotlight.

Episode 2: Scaling Institutional Readiness, featuring Prof Tinne De Laet (KU Leuven, Belgium) and Dr Julio Guerra Hollstein (Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile)

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This podcast features a conversation on the topic of institutional readiness for learning analytics with Prof Tinne De Laet (KU Leuven in Belgium) and Dr Julio Guerra Hollstein(Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile). Tinne and Julio share with us their experience in preparing higher education institutions to adopt learning analytics, including research activities, stakeholder engagement, and policy development.

Episode 1: Learning Analytics - Past, Present, and Future, featuring Professor Abelardo Pardo (University of South Australia, Australia) and current SoLAR President.

Soundcloud | iTunes | Spotify In this very first episode of the SoLAR Spotlight podcast, our three hosts Shibani Antonette, Maren Scheffel and Yi-Shan Tsai talk with Abelardo Pardo, the current president of the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR), about past, present and future of learning analytics. What is your takeaway of this podcast? What is the lie that Abelardo tells in the "two truths and a lie" game? Let us know on twitter using the hashtag #SoLARspotlight. If you want to know more about SoLAR, get in touch via or tweet us @SoLAResearch.

Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR)