LAK Dataset
In collaboration with strategic partners, SoLAR is making it possible to perform computational analyses on the Learning Analytics research literature. We are making publicly available machine-readable versions of research sources for scientometrics and other analytics methodologies.
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Technical Partners
Content Partners
The LAK Dataset site provides access to structured fulltext and metadata from key research publications in the field. This advances SoLAR’s mission, as it provides not only more comprehensive search facilities to discover relevant work in the growing corpus, but also enables researchers to analyse the field — for instance, to track the evolution of a topic over time, or to identify correlations with related communities.
The ACM International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK) sponsored by SoLAR is the field’s premier research forum, providing common ground for academics, administrators, software developers and companies to shape and debate the state of the art in learning analytics and related fields. The ACM conditions of providing the full text of the LAK Conference Proceedings specify:
- ACM is providing this ACM Digital Library data solely for research purposes, gratis. Should software that is beneficial to the users of the ACM Digital Library be developed using this data, whenever feasible, ACM would appreciate an as-is perpetual royalty-free license to that software to be used by ACM solely in the context of ACM’s Digital Library services to benefit the Computer Science community.
LAK Data Challenge
Beyond publishing the data, we will also support its innovative use and exploitation through a public LAK Data Challenge, launched at the ACM LAK13 Conference.
Examples of analyses are already beginning to be shared…
People and Organisations
- Simon Buckingham Shum (SoLAR)
- Stefan Dietze (L3S Research Center, Germany)
- Davide Taibi (Institute for Educational Technologies CNR, Italy)
Related publications
Research reporting the results of analyses will be added as activity builds around the dataset, to demonstrate the possibilities.
Please refer to the following publication for further information and when referring to the LAK Dataset:
Taibi, D. and Dietze, S. (2013), Fostering Analytics on Learning Analytics
Research: the LAK Dataset. In: CEUR WS Proceedings Vol. 974, Proceedings of the LAK Data Challenge, held at LAK2013 – 3rd International Conference on
Learning Analytics and Knowledge (Leuven, BE, April 2013). (PDF online at: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-974/lakdatachallenge2013_preface.pdf)
Image Credit: creative commons licensed ( BY-NC ) flickr photo shared by Rosa Menkman