LAK Dataset Analytics
This page compiles “analytics on learning analytics” — computational analyses of the learning analytics literature, as published in SoLAR’s LAK Dataset. It thus provides perspectives on the field’s past, present and future…
Adam Cooper: A Seasonal Sociogram for Learning Analytics Research (blog post)
“This is technically a “bipartite sociogram” since it shows two kinds of entity and relationships between types. In this case people are shown as green circles and papers shown as red polygons. The data has been limited to the conferences on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK) 2011 and 2012 (red triangles) and the Educational Data Mining (EDM) Conference for the same years (red diamonds). The Journal of Educational Technology and Society special edition on learning and knowledge analytics was also published in 2012 (red pentagons). Thus, we have a snapshot of the main venues for scholarship vicinal to learning analytics. So, what does it tell me?…”
LAK Data Challenge winners!
There was a very good response to the LAK Data Challenge launched in the build-up to the LAK13 Conference (Tutorial: Using Linked Data in Learning Analytics), inviting analyses of the dataset – the set of submissions to the LAK13 Data Challenge is now published.
We’re pleased to announce that the following are declared the winners – congratulations!
- Linked Data based applications for Learning Analytics Research:
faceted searches, enriched contexts, graph browsing and dynamic graphic
visualisation of data. Ricardo Alonso Maturana, María Elena Alvarado,
Susana López-Sola, María José Ibáñez, Lorena Ruiz Elósegui (paper #3,
http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-974/lakdatachallenge2013_03.pdf) - Cite4Me: Semantic Retrieval and Analysis of Scientific Publications.
Bernardo Pereira Nunes, Besnik Fetahu, Marco Antonio Casanova (paper #6,
http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-974/lakdatachallenge2013_06.pdf) - Ontology Learning to Analyze Research Trends in Learning Analytics
Publications. Amal Zouaq, Srećko Joksimović, Dragan Gašević (paper #8,