Handbook of Learning Analytics
Chapter 10
Natural Language Processing: Writing Analytics
Andrew Gibson & Antonette Shibani
Writing analytics uses computational techniques to analyse written texts for the purposes of improving learning. This chapter provides an introduction to writing analytics, through the discussion of linguistic and domain orientations to the analysis of writing, and descriptive and evaluative intentions for the analytics. The chapter highlights the importance of the relationship between writing analytics and good pedagogy, contending that for writing analytics to positively impact learning, actionability must be considered in the design process. Limitations of writing analytics are also discussed, highlighting areas of concern for future research.
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Natural Language Processing: Writing Analytics
Book Title
Handbook of Learning Analytics
pp. 96-104
Society for Learning Analytics Research
Andrew Gibson
Antonette Shibani
Charles Lang
Alyssa Friend Wise
Agathe Merceron
Dragan Gašević
George Siemens