Handbook of Learning Analytics
Chapter 19
Data Literacy and Learning Analytics
Ellen B. Mandinach & Lisa M. Abrams
Data use, whether through traditional methods in education or more sophisticated techniques such as learning analytics and educational data mining, has emerged as an important part of educational practice. Foundational to the use of data is data literacy; that is, educators’ ability to use data effectively and responsibly. A construct called data literacy for teachers has been operationalized and differs from assessment literacy to include the many diverse sources of data that educators now encounter. However, an issue, even with traditional data use is the extent to which educators have sufficient data literacy. The introduction of learning analytics presents the need for even more sophisticated data use capacity that may or may not be practical in most K-12 educational settings. This chapter explores the intersection of data literacy and learning analytics, and in doing so draws parallels between data use in the K-12 and post-secondary education settings, where data-driven decision making and learning analytics have traditionally been positioned. It provides a review of data literacy and the technologies that support data use. It discusses the practical challenges and constraints to transforming more traditional data use to include learning analytic strategies and how data literacy applies. The chapter then looks toward the opportunities and possibilities made possible by the sophisticated data use in learning analytics.
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Data Literacy and Learning Analytics
Book Title
Handbook of Learning Analytics
pp. 196-204
Society for Learning Analytics Research
Ellen B. Mandinach
Lisa M. Abrams
Charles Lang
Alyssa Friend Wise
Agathe Merceron
Dragan Gašević
George Siemens