Handbook of Learning Analytics
Chapter 23
Learning Analytics Policies
Maren Scheffel, Yi-Shan Tsai, Dragan Gašević, & Hendrik Drachsler
More and more higher education institutions have been making use of learning analytics in the last few years. But despite an increased funding and more research in the learning analytics domain, there is still a lack of systematic and large-scale implementations of learning analytics. In order to improve learning analytics adoption and to establish it sustainably, higher education institutions need to align learning analytics-related activities with their goals and visions. Their making us of data requires a set of guidelines and principles, i.e. a policy, that fits their context and speaks to all involved stakeholders. Only then can the effective and responsible use of learning analytics be ensured and will higher education institutions be truly able to establish learning analytics in a sustainable way.
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Learning Analytics Policies
Book Title
Handbook of Learning Analytics
pp. 231-239
Society for Learning Analytics Research
Maren Scheffel
Yi-Shan Tsai
Dragan Gašević
Hendrik Drachsler
Charles Lang
Alyssa Friend Wise
Agathe Merceron
Dragan Gašević
George Siemens