SoLAR Blogs

Nexus, is just the latest channel to join our podcasts and webinars, as we get the word out about Learning Analytics to our diverse audiences.

Nexus? As the name signals, this is meant to bring people together from across the diverse community interested in these questions — including educators, learning technologists, instructional designers, researchers, data scientists, user interface designers, educational leaders — hey, even students who are curious to know how these systems come into being!

Nexus is published on Medium at to take advantage of that huge community, but also mirrored here since Medium limits non-members to 3 articles/month. So if you’re not signed up there, you can still read to your heart’s content here!

Enjoy the stories. Like/dislike what you see? Want to share your work? You’re warmly invited to email the editors with your ideas and feedback: solarnexusblog {at} gmail dot com

Recent articles

Video analytics: What are academics looking for?

Video analytics: What are academics looking for?

Video is used extensively in teaching, but how do you design a dashboard to show teachers what they really need to know? An educational video guru talks about what features are on her “must have” list for video analytics..
Posted by Amanda White in Nexus
Leveraging the Potential of Learning Analytics in Higher Education Requires Inclusive Policies and Practices

Leveraging the Potential of Learning Analytics in Higher Education Requires Inclusive Policies and Practices

To fully leverage the power of learning analytics data, attention must be paid to the policies and practices that guide data use in higher education. Drawing on justice and care perspectives, we argue a need for inclusive policies and practices—learning analytics professionals should work to establish equity in their systems, ensure transparency and trust, and empower students as active agents in the use of their data…
Posted by Carrie Klein, Michael Brown in Nexus
Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR)