Strategic Plan April 2021 – Dec 2022

Goals - April 2021 to December 2022

1. Increase the diversity and inclusivity of the SoLAR Community
2. Expand impact and increase understanding and use of learning analytics
3. Communicate the value of membership to all members
4. Increase overall engagement within the SoLAR Community


In combination with or in addition to the SoLAR Executive, Working Groups assist in
furthering the vision and mission:

  1. Communications and Website oversee the internal and external communications
    of the Society
  2. Education promotes the development of high-quality Learning Analytics
    educational resources
  3. Events encourage and support the community in hosting learning analytics
    related events to further the mission of the Society Includes LAK and LASI
    programme/organizing teams)
  4. Inclusion develops and implements initiatives aimed to promote, elevate and
    foster an open, diverse, and inclusive environment
  5. Journal creates and disseminates new tools, techniques, study transformations,
    and provide ongoing evaluation and critique of conceptual, technical and
    practice outcomes.
  6. Membership works on initiatives to expand membership benefits and increase
    overall membership for the Society.
  7. Special Interest Groups promote and support the establishment of SIGs within
    the Society
  8. IAALDE increases the visibility and impact of research produced by member

To view the full SoLAR Strategic Plan including goals, priorities, actions and more, please review the below PDF.

Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR)

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