Results for News Flashes

Call for SoLAR Community Awards Committee Members

At LAK22, the SoLAR Executive Committee pledged to establish an Awards Committee in order to honour and acknowledge other members of the community for their work and services.  The Awards Committee consists of six members:The current president of SoLAR (chair)The current President-elect or one of the Vice PresidentsThe two most recent former presidentsTwo  SoLAR membersThe termContinue reading →

Last Call – LAK23 Call For Papers Submission Deadline Oct. 3rd

Final Call for submissions for the following tracks for LAK23 – Research Full & Short papers, Practitioner and Workshops/Tutorials. The submission deadline is October 3, 2022 at 23:59  (AOE Timezone) Full Call for Papers and Submission Guidelines are available on the LAK23 website. In-person and Virtual participation will be available. GENERAL CALL The 2023 editionContinue reading →

SoLAR’s Early Career Research Grant Winner Announced

The Society for Learning Analytics Research is proud to announce the winner of the first Early Career Research Grant. The SoLAR ECR Research Grant serves to support promising early career researchers who demonstrate the potential to advance research and practice in learning analytics and increase the educational and socio-economic impacts of learning analytics. Proposed projectsContinue reading →

Call for participation: Learning and technologies research VISTAS

Call for participation: Learning and technologies research VISTAS –  Visions, Inspiration, Synergy and Transformation across IAALDE societies. A colloquium series The International Alliance to Advance Learning in the Digital Era (IAALDE – ) invites researchers to apply for the Learning and Technologies Research VISTAS Colloquium Series to encourage Vision, Inspiration, Synergy, and Transformation AcrossContinue reading →

LAK23 Announcement – Location & Date Change!

Dear Learning Analytics Community, COVID-19 continues to cause severe social, economic and educational disruptions. We have been managing the impacts from these disruptions on our members and moved major events such as LAK and LASI fully online since 2020. At this time, the majority of educational conferences are running hybrid events which acknowledges the challengesContinue reading →

2022 SoLAR Executive Committee Nominees

Current SoLAR Executive Committee for 2022 President – Maren Scheffel, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB), Germany Vice President – Yi-Shan Tsai, Monash University, Australia Secretary – Ioana Jivet, TU Delft, Netherlands Member at Large – Anouschka van Leeuwen, Utrecht University, Netherlands Member at Large – Roger Azevedo, University of Central Florida, USA Member at Large – ShibaniContinue reading →

2022 Call for Executive Committee Nominations

The SoLAR Executive Committee is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the 2022-2023 Executive Committee. Executive Committee members serve a two year term. Nominations are open for four member at-large positions. If you are interested in shaping and guiding how SoLAR continues to serve the growing learning analytics community please fill out thisContinue reading →

The 2nd CSEDM Data Challenge, in cooperation with SoLAR is happening now!

We invite you to participate in the 2nd CSEDM Data Challenge, an event held in cooperation with SoLAR! Participants will compete to develop new modeling techniques to predict students’ outcomes in CS/programming classrooms, based on their code submissions to prior programming problems. Overview & Dataset: The challenge is designed to bring together researchers from acrossContinue reading →

Register now for the August webinar with Dr. María Jesús Rodríguez-Triana

We are pleased to announce our next webinar with Dr. María Jesús Rodríguez-Triana which will take place on August 31, 2021 at 3pm CEST (9am EDT, 2pm BST, 10pm JST). This webinar will provide an overview of how analytics proposals can enhance awareness and reflection about learning design practices. You can join us by registeringContinue reading →

New podcast episode on “Learning Analytics Practitioners and Practice”

The new episode of the SoLAR Spotlight podcast series features Leah Macfadyen and Danny Liu as guests, hosted by Shibani Antonette. They converse about the importance of learning analytics practitioners and the pragmatisms in translating learning analytics research into real classroom practice. Listen to it here: What is your takeaway of this podcast? WhatContinue reading →