Results for News Flashes

2021 SoLAR Executive Committee Nominees

Current SoLAR Executive Committee for 2021 President – Maren Scheffel, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB), GER Member at Large – Simon Buckingham Shum, University of Technology, Sydney, AUS Member at Large – Bodong Chen, University of Minnesota, USA Member at Large – Nia Dowell, University of California, Irvine, USA Member at Large – Isabel Hilliger, Pontificia UniversidadContinue reading →

2021 Call for Executive Committee Nominations

The SoLAR Executive Committee is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the 2021-2022 Executive Committee. Executive Committee members serve two year terms. Nominations are open for six member at-large positions and one student member. If you are interested in shaping and guiding how SoLAR continues to serve the growing learning analytics community pleaseContinue reading →

LAK21 Moves Fully Online

Special Announcement from LAK21 Organizers Dear Learning Analytics Community, Given the current realities of the global pandemic due to COVID-19, there continues to be uncertainty of international travel and mass gatherings for the foreseeable future. Taking these concerns into consideration, the LAK21 organizers and the Society for Learning Analytics Research have made the decision to hostContinue reading →

New SoLAR Position Paper: Creating Data for Learning Analytics Ecosystems

A new SoLAR position paper titled “Creating Data for Learning Analytics Ecosystems” has been published. This position paper discusses the challenges faced by institutions as they seek to wrangle data from a portfolio of technology products and services to deliver rich learning experiences. It identifies a number of systemic failures that are leading many institutionsContinue reading →

LAK21 Update: Virtual Presentations Accepted for All Formats & CFP Deadlines Extended!

UPDATE: Virtual Presentations, and attendance, will be available for LAK21. This includes Workshops, Long and Short Research Papers, Practitioner Papers, Posters and Demos. The deadline for the CFP has been extended to provide more time for individuals to consider virtual options while preparing their submissions. The Organizing Committee continues to monitor the pandemic situation andContinue reading →

From SoLAR Executive Committee: Statement of Support and Call for Action

The Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) condemns the murder and treatment of Black people and communities in the U.S. and worldwide, expressing its solidarity with peaceful non-violent protesters around the world and the Black Lives Matter movement. These current protests call our attention to lives lost to police and vigilante actions. Know their names:Continue reading →

Important Announcement – LASI20 Cancelled

The LASI organising team has been exploring options for hosting the event later in the year. Unfortunately, hosting a face to face event in 2020 is not viable in terms of either securing physical space at the university, individuals being able to travel and/or able to secure funding to attend. The LASI organising team alsoContinue reading →

Important Announcement – LASI20 Update

We have been monitoring the global COVID-19 situation and unfortunately, the face to face meeting in New York in June 2020 will no longer be possible.  We are exploring different dates/formats for LASI, such as a virtual LASI, LASI Locals or a face to face meeting later in the year, and will have further informationContinue reading →

2020 SoLAR Executive Committee Nominees

We are pleased to present the following candidates as nominees for election to the SoLAR Executive: Candidates for SoLAR Executive Member at Large (13 Candidates, 4 Positions Available) Simon Buckingham Shum, University of Technology Sydney, AUS Bodong Chen, University of Minnesota, USA Guanliang Chen, Monash University, AUS Nia Dowell, University of California – Irvine, USAContinue reading →

Journal of Learning Analytics (JLA) – Volume 6 Issue 3, now available!

The issue 6(3) of the Journal of Learning Analytics (JL.A) is now available. This new issue contains a special Invited Dialogue sparked by Neil Selwyn’s follow-up article to his LAK18 keynote “What’s the Problem with Learning Analytics?”. Four senior members of the community holding diverse perspectives (Alfred Essa, Rebecca Ferguson, Paul Prinsloo, and Carolyn Rosé)Continue reading →