Results for News Flashes

LASI-Asia 2016

The LASI-Asia 2016 will run 19-20 September in Seoul. To share global experiences and outcomes with Asian people, major international organizations and stakeholders related to learning analytics participate in this event as organizers and sponsors. ISO/IEC JTC1 SC36 (Information Technology for Learning, Education, and Training) and IMS Global Learning Consortium will share their outcomes forContinue reading →


Bay Area Learning Analytics Network (BayLearn) BayLearn will be a regional event to facilitate the exchange of information, case studies, ideas, and early stage research in the field of learning analytics. From this event, we aim to grow a local network of researchers and professionals in the field of learning analytics, which can be usedContinue reading →

LAK’16 & LASI’16 video recordings

Available now! The Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) just finished uploading video recordings of most LAK16 presentations. They are all available directly from the conference program or on the SoLAR’s official Youtube channel in the LAK16 playlist. LASI’16 video recordings are available on our official Youtube channel, as well.

3 PhD Scholarships in Learning Analytics

The Connected Intelligence Centre at the University of Technology Sydney is pleased to announce the launch of their doctoral program in Learning Analytics, offering three UTS Scholarships to begin your research at the start of 2016. CIC’s mission is to invent, evaluate and theorise the design of human-centered data science and learning analytics to advance theContinue reading →

LACE SoLAR Flare 2015 on Oct 9th

After a successful meeting of people interested in learning analytics last year, the Learning Analytics Community Exchange (LACE) project will be holding a another exciting SoLAR Flare event at The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK, on Friday October 9, 2015 from 9:30am to 4:45pm. This is a networking gathering for everyone interested in learning analytics. UnderContinue reading →

Speaker Series at Emory University

The 2014 – 2015 Learning Analytics Speaker Series at Emory University hosted by the  Institute for Quantitative Theory and Methods aims to stimulate conversations about the use of educational data to promote student success, however that may be conceived. Charles Dziuban (October 2014) In October 2014 , Charles Dziuban (Director of the Research Initiative for TeachingContinue reading →

Australian LASI in November

The 2014 Australian Learning Analytics Summer Institute (ALASI) will run 20-21 November in Sydney. ALASI adds another node to SoLAR’s international network of community and discipline-building events. Building on the success of last year, ALASI is the premier forum in Australia for the exchange of knowledge and innovation in learning analytics. Keynote addresses from GregorContinue reading →

LACE SoLAR Flare in October

The Learning Analytics Community Exchange (LACE) project – an initiative funded by the EU’s FP7 programme – will be holding a SoLAR Flare event at The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK, on Friday 24 October 2014 from 10am to 4.30pm. We are inviting technology specialists, teachers, researchers, educators, ICT purchasing decision-makers, senior leaders, business intelligenceContinue reading →

LAK’15 Call for Papers Open!

The Society for Learning Analytics research is pleased to announce that the CFP for the 5th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge “Scaling Up: Big Data to Big Impact” is now open. The conference will take place March 16-20, 2015 at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, NY. As we move forward to our 5th annualContinue reading →