Results for News Flashes

There may be a LASI near you…

As many of you will know, in just over a week Harvard University will host the 2014 Learning Analytics Summer Institute June 30 – July 2. Check out the programme, with keynotes and panels livestreaming and repayable. If you can’t get to Harvard, there may be a LASI-Local event within reach of you if you want to connectContinue reading →

Open Learning Analytics (OLA) Summit

Following LAK’14, SoLAR, Marist College, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison jointly held an Open Learning Analytics Summit in Indianapolis that brought together representatives from the learning analytics and open source software development fields to explore how open source communities can accelerate the potential of learning analytics to provide new tools for understanding and improving learningContinue reading →

Get involved with LASI’14 Locals

LASI’14 (the Second Learning Analytics Summer Institute) is a strategic event designed to bring together an inter-disciplinary mix of people working with learning analytics for an intensive ‘summer camp’ that will serve as an intellectual and social springboard to accelerate the maturation of the discipline. LASI’14 will be held in Cambridge, MA, USA from June 30,Continue reading →

Inaugural Issue of the Journal of Learning Analytics (JLA)

We are pleased to announce the publication of the inaugural issue of the Journal of Learning Analytics. JLA is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal, disseminating the highest quality research in the field of learning analytics and the official publication of the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR). The inaugural issue features an invited piece by SoLARContinue reading →